
Box is the most abstract component on top of which all other @chakra-ui/vue components are built. By default, it renders a div element


import { CBox } from "@chakra-ui/vue-next"


The Box component is useful because it helps with three common use cases:

  • Create responsive layouts with ease.
  • Provide a shorthand way to pass styles via props (bg instead of backgroundColor).
  • Compose new component and allow for override using the as prop.
This is the Box
<c-box bg="tomato" w="100%" p="4" color="white">  This is the Box

Composition with CBox

Rear view of modern home with pool
3 beds • 2 baths

Modern home in city center in the heart of historic Los Angeles

$1,900.00 / wk
34 reviews
<template>  <c-box maxW="sm" border-width="1px" rounded="lg" overflow="hidden">    <c-image :src="property.imageUrl" :alt="property.imageAlt" />    <c-box p="6">      <c-box d="flex" align-items="baseline">        <c-badge rounded="full" px="2" variant-color="green">          New
        </c-badge>        <c-box color="gray.500" font-weight="semibold" letter-spacing="wide" font-size="xs" text-transform="uppercase"          ml="2">          {{ property.beds }} beds &bull; {{ property.baths }} baths
        </c-box>      </c-box>      <c-box mt="1" font-weight="semibold" as="h4" line-height="tight" is-truncated>        {{ property.title }}
      </c-box>      <c-box>        {{ property.formattedPrice }}
        <c-box as="span" color="gray.600" fontSize="sm">          / wk
        </c-box>      </c-box>      <c-box d="flex" mt="2" align-items="center">        <c-icon v-for="(_, i) in Array(5).fill('')" name="star" :key="i"          :color="i < property.rating ? 'green.500' : 'gray.300'" />        <c-box as="span" ml="2" color="gray.600" font-size="sm">          {{ property.reviewCount }} reviews
        </c-box>      </c-box>    </c-box>  </c-box></template><script setup>import { reactive } from 'vue'const property = reactive(  {    imageUrl: "",    imageAlt: "Rear view of modern home with pool",    beds: 3,    baths: 2,    title: "Modern home in city center in the heart of historic Los Angeles",    formattedPrice: "$1,900.00",    reviewCount: 34,    rating: 4,  })</script>

as prop

You can use the as prop to change the element render, just like styled-components.

<c-box as="button" rounded="md" bg="tomato" color="white" px="4" h="8">  Button


See all CBox props in the Style props page

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